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Cara Blaine


For those of you new to the pack, know that popcorn is to Cub Scouts what cookies are to Girl Scouts.

They’re our bread & butter, so to speak, and a big contribution toward raising money for the pack as well as for camping properties for the district. Through fundraising like popcorn, Pack 504 has been able to purchase new camping equipment over the past few years, such as camp stoves, lanterns, coolers and grills. And this has also given us the chance to make Spring camping free for the families. In addition, some of the scout property projects that popcorn sales have contributed to include a new fishing dock and archery range at Camp Rainey Mountain, and upgrades to buildings and the playground at Scoutland. Popcorn is essential to keeping the program going strong, and every scout is encouraged to sell.

"I don't always buy popcorn but when i do, it's from the boy scouts" - The Most Interesting Man In The World.

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