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Cara Blaine

Pack 504 & COVID-19

Updated: Sep 2, 2020

We take the safety of our scouts very seriously. (updated 9/1/20)

Hiking in style at Tribble Mill Park

Pack Meetings

Pack meetings usually consist of all youth, families, and leaders getting together once monthly. In the past, we have generally met face-to-face indoors or outdoors to facilitate fun activities like bottle rockets, Pinewood Derby, Raingutter Regatta, etc.

This year:

  • Pack meetings will be facilitated outdoors only

  • Activities will be modified so that safe “social-distancing” can be maintained

  • Groups will be broken into smaller numbers

  • Activities will be ‘no-touch’ for the youth and/or equipment will be cleaned and disinfected between each use

  • Some fun pack activities we have planned for the year may include: drive-in movies, pinewood derby racing via Zoom, hiking, backyard camping, ‘drive-thru’ events, etc.

Den Meetings

Den meetings consist of all youth in a particular grade (ie: Lions (Kindergartners), Tigers (First Grade), Wolves (Second Grade), etc.) working on advancement criteria with their adult leaders. In the past, dens have generally met face-to-face indoors or outdoors to facilitate fun activities like wood-working, whittling, fishing, camp-cooking, knot-tying, etc.)

This year:

  • Face-to-face den meetings will be facilitated outdoors only

  • Groups may be broken into smaller numbers depending on the size of the den

  • Activities will be ‘no-touch’ for the youth or equipment will be cleaned and disinfected between each use or youth will have their own personal equipment to use

  • Den meetings will be live-streamed via Zoom for a virtual option (a supply list and overview of the upcoming meeting will be provided to families wishing to participate virtually). Communication will be key, and it will be very helpful for den leaders to know if people plan on joining virtually for a given meeting.

Overview of Changes for ALL Meetings

  • Virtual options will be offered whenever feasible via live-streaming each event/meeting

  • Face Masks will be required for all youth, families, and leaders. Pack 504 will have Cub Scout masks available for purchase online for anyone interested.

  • Temperature checks will be required for all youth, families, and leaders prior to each in-person meeting. A ‘no-touch’ thermometer will be used.

  • Hand sanitizer will be available at all meetings (as well as spare masks).

  • All meetings will take place outside or virtually. No indoor meetings will take place until further notice.

  • All families will be required to sign a Waiver of Liability (with acknowledgement that participation in in-person scout meetings is optional and made at the discretion of each family member) in order to participate in face-to-face meetings.

How Can You Help?

  • Consider attending a committee meeting to provide feedback or email your leaders.

  • Monitor and enforce your family’s compliance with masks and social distancing

  • Consider co-hosting virtual meetings (ie: managing the chats during the live-streaming of meetings and events)

  • Stay home if anyone in your family is not feeling well. We will assist as much as we can with make-up activities your scout can do for credit

  • Use Scoutbook to record electives and advancements your Scout is completing from home.

Virtual Scouting

We understand that some families would prefer a virtual-only option this year. We are making adjustments to our program to allow for families to participate from home as much as possible.

  • All den meetings will be live-streamed via Zoom

  • “Event” pack meetings (such as Pinewood Derby or Raingutter Regatta) will be live-streamed via Zoom. Other Pack events may (or may not) be streamed based on the feasibility

  • Virtual Activities will be sent out via email and posted on the Pack 504 Facebook page that allow for scouts to earn neat prizes: ie: hiking challenge, geo-caching challenges, virtual service projects, etc.

New Scout Orientation

We will be hosting our New Scout (and parent) Orientation this year via Zoom. Details will be sent out to all new families via email.

Additional Safety Information



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